Sunday, February 3, 2008

Thoughts after 5 days on Second Life

"What are you doing on this Second Life site?" my wife said to me. "What's wrong with your First Life?"

Well, there are two things that I cannot do in real life. The first one is fly and the second one is dance. I can do both in Second Life and do them very well, thank you.

The ability to fly around the World is just fantastic. It is definitely worth getting an account on Second Life just to experience the sensation of flying. I have dreamed about doing this for years and experiencing it first hand is really cool.

The ability to dance is more of a personal thing. I am such a klutz when it comes to dancing. I have no rhythm at all. Hey, look at me now! It is just hilarious!

Friday, February 1, 2008

I made some money in Second Life

After 3 days wondering around Second Life, I finally sat down and camped out at The Pham. I made L$10 in about 2 hours. Now that is around US$0.34 at today's exchange rate. I probably shouldn't quit my day job at this point, lol.

I can see how people can waste hours online immersed in Second Life. It is really a make believe world and reality can be distorted. Actually, I am kind of enjoying making some of the dance moves in Second Life that I would never be able to do in Real Life.